Illegal Drugs and Alcohol

The Academy does not tolerate the unlawful manufacture, distribution, use, possession, dispensing or use of any controlled substance. Employees as well as students who are found to be in violation of this policy are subject to immediate disciplinary action which may include dismissal or suspension.

Students may petition the Executive Director in advance of a planned event for the use of alcohol at duly authorized functions. Students and employees must adhere to guidelines that comply with Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Law prohibiting the sale, delivery, or providing of alcoholic beverages to people under the age of 21.

Should a student or staff member be found in possession of, using or under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol while on campus or at a school function (not including the use of beer or wine by those of legal drinking age at “duly authorized functions”), he or she will be subject to disciplinary action based upon violation of the school’s code of professional conduct. He or she may be warned, placed on probation, suspended, or expelled/terminated. Disciplinary actions are at the discretion of the appropriate member of the administrative team (Executive Director, Academic Dean, Clinic Director and VP of Administration).

The Academy is committed to providing drug-free awareness information to students as well as employees on an on-going basis and provides the details of this program and commitment in writing each year. Any student, faculty or employee seeking information and advice regarding drug-free awareness, counseling, rehabilitation and further information about treatment option is encouraged to contact a school administrator for such assistance.

A list of drug prevention resources as well as a detailed description of the drug and alcohol policies may be found in the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Booklet provided to you on the first day of class.

Possession and Use of Firearms

In addition, the use and/or possession of weapons of any type, including facsimiles, except those in possession of a bona fide law enforcement agency, are not permitted on campus.

The possession of firearms and weapons on school property is prohibited. except as provided for by state statute. The term “firearm” is defined for the purpose of this policy to include, but is not limited to, rifles, shotguns, handguns, pellet guns, BB guns, and pistols. Weapons include, but are not limited to, knives, bows and arrows and martial arts equipment.