Academy for Five Element Acupuncture


Receive a comprehensive medical education that addresses physical symptoms as well as overall wellness in all aspects of a person’s life.

Five element acupuncture strives to connect the body and the mind. Our curriculum focuses on returning patients to their physical, mental and emotional health. By focusing on the root, learn how to treat address any ailment from chronic back pain to anxiety and depression.

Clinic Interns
acupuncture Intern with patient



Community and Lifestyle

Becoming an acupuncturist gives you the freedom to start your own practice and become an integral part of your community.

Your degree will allow you to become licensed in any state you choose (except California). Many acupuncturists are self-employed and have their own private practice with flexible work hours and patient flow. Serve your community and its members in need with a locally owned and operated business.


Take your acupuncture education into the larger medical field.

Acupuncturists have many opportunities to help people on a larger scale. Some graduates choose to work in hospitals and medical clinics. The Veteran’s Administration has a high demand for licensed acupuncturists who can help veterans suffering from pain, PTSD and trauma.

Receive videos about our school.

Please provide your contact information so that we can send you three engaging videos about Academy for Five Element Acupuncture. The videos cover these topics: Five Element Acupuncture in Practice by Catherine Hollingsworth, Wholeness in Medicine: Five Element Acupuncture by Alexander Love and Qi Gong at Academy for Five Element Acupuncture with Jenn Downey.

Interested in learning more?

Please fill out the form below to receive three free videos to learn more about Five Element acupuncture.