Dear Academy Community,
The recent horrific and heartbreaking acts of violence against people of color in our communities have brought the conversation about racism to a level of immediacy that we can and should no longer ignore. As a school community focused on health and personal transformation, the time is upon us to engage in effective action and find real solutions to end systemic racism wherever and however we can.
The Academy operates under the principles of inclusion, and human dignity. We are committed to providing a safe, supportive environment in which to work and learn, based on upholding our code of professional conduct, including (but not limited to):
Honoring the individual gifts of each member of our community
Holding each other in the highest regard
Grounding all of our actions in honesty and integrity
Conducting ourselves in a manner that fosters trust among peers, faculty, staff and the wider community
Consciously using our words, presence, and touch as methods of healing
Cultivating deep respect, thoughtfulness, and compassion
Right now, we are being called to be present to the pain and suffering around us. We stand with our brothers and sisters of color. I encourage each of us to find the places of ignorance and discrimination in ourselves and our school community and work tirelessly to transform them into compassionate action. We stand in unity, justice, and equity for everyone.
We are here for you and we welcome any feedback you have about how we can make our school as safe, nurturing, and inclusive as possible.
With love, Misti
Misti Oxford-Pickeral, M.Ac. AP
Academy for Five Element Acupuncture